Category Archives: Grandpa Diary

Letters to my little Kaylee…

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Grandpa Dairy #76

Dear Kaylee,

We have been having wonderful times together. Your Great Grandpa and Great Grandpa Lindgren came out and shared Easter with us. We went to the Science museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. You were a trooper that day. You got to eat ice cream with your Mommy and that is a rare treat for you.

Easter Sunday you came up to hear the children’s message and you made Grandpa laugh. Here is what happened-

Oh, well, I keep getting plenty of hugs from you anyway!


Grandpa Diary #75

Dear Kaylee,

What the heck are you saying? Your mommy sent me a video of you saying, “Appo du du.” She said you kept on saying it. Sure enough, when you came over this morning, you looked at me smiled and said, “Appo du du.”

We haven’t figured out what you are trying to say, but you seem to enjoy it.

Maybe you are just saying, “My, but isn’t my Grandpa handsome.”

Appo du du to you,


Grandpa Diary #74


Dear Kaylee,
You are really getting interested in other children. At the beach, you start following them around. Nana and Uncle David said you were giving away your food to other kids at the mall playground. If you visit me at Preschool chapel, you love to stand and stare at all the kids.

Your best buddy to hang out with is baby Tori. she’s one of your mommy’s teacher friend’s daughter. Our friend, Robyn, watches Tori, so you get to do stuff together. You love to hug her, but because she is littler than you, sometimes it looks like you are !


Grandpa and Kaylee selfie at the beach

Grandpa Diary #73

Dear Kaylee,

We had so much fun at the beach. You were fascinated by the waves and the water. You were ready to jump right in…Until I walked you down there and the waves came over your ankles. That was a bit too much and you wanted to go back further away from the waves!

I set up camp with 11 buckets I got that my friends’ kids who are now grown up used to use. They are young ladies who are a sophomore in college and a senior in high school. The buckets want to get back into action!

So, I got a bucket and put a bit of ocean water into it. You proceeded to pour that all over yourself. You learned that you play with the water, you don’t wear it. It’s fun watching you play and then joining you. We are good diggers together.

But, then just like a dog who chases a squirrel, every time sea gulls come by us you have to take off after them. Waving and saying, “Bye, bye,” when they fly away and hesitating if they get too close.

You definitely are a beach person, which will make Nana quite happy, as she is the Queen of the Beach.


Grandpa Diary #72


Dear Kaylee,

It’s been a while since I have written, but I have seen you several times this past month. We were together all day on Friday, Grandpa Day, out at your house. Nanna was sick last week, so we kept you away from her because you can’t resist. Well, you and I were sick too, we just didn’t know it, yet!

We went to breakfast first at your favorite place, Dinks, where you had french toast. I have so much fun watching you want to do everything for yourself. I put a straw in a little bottle of milk, but you want to hold the bottle and drink it like Grandpa. I sneak a hand on the bottom of the bottle if I can, but you poured a little down you shirt anyway. You are too fast for me.

We went to the park afterward and you especially love the swing. Or, “-ing” as you call it. Here is the thing. You have Grandpa push you, but you also want Grandpa swinging next to you. If I don’t get in that swing, your arm goes out pointing, “Bapa, Bapa, Bapa…” and you finally wear me down and I start swinging again with you.

You met another little girl on the slide. Her name was “Grace.” You just stand there fascinated while you look at her face. Whenever you meet someone new, you examine them as if they are the most interesting person in the world. People are that interesting and I hope you will keep that interest. Everyone has great stories to tell.

Back home to nap and then you woke up cranky. Mommy and Daddy got home early and it was off to the doctor you go. Strep throat. Grandpa was in bed all day the next day too.

Guess we all play and share love and share everything else, too…

Everyone is better this week!


Hansons and Hermans

Grandpa Diary #71

Dear Kaylee,

We had so much fun at Christmas celebrating the birth of baby Jesus with our baby. You were all over the place everywhere with all the Christmas lights and decorations. Lights you call, “Da!” You can point out the different colors when I say them and point to the specific light on the tree. You know blue, yellow, green, and red.

Your Mommy’s highlight for Christmas is you went “potty” in your potty for the first time. She gives you a book to look at to distract you. Much like most of the rest of us. Grandpa likes to read Sports Illustrated.

Grandpa’s highlight with you was Christmas Eve when you came up for the children’s message and helped me tell the Christmas story. I had little carved wooden animals and asked you what they said.

What does a cow say?

What does a donkey say? (or horsey, for you)

What does a sheep say?

Everyone knew which animal were which. Thanks for the help.



Grandpa Diary #70

Dear Kaylee,

We had fun the other night when your mommy and daddy celebrated their third anniversary. They went to a restaurant called “Salt Creek Grille,” where they had delicious steak. You and I spent the night running around your house and reading your books. The highlight for me was when it was time for you to go to bed. Grandpa has never put you to bed at night before and so I haven’t watched you brush your teeth. You did a great job!

Grandpa brushes his teeth a lot and enjoys having that clean mouth feeling. Our teeth are very important to us. We both love to eat!



Grandpa Diary #69

Dear Kaylee,

We sure had fun on Grandpa Day, Friday. We went to the annual Thanksgiving Feast@ LIFEhouse Christian Preschool and you had a ball! You sat at a table in a chair with the big kids and sampled everything placed before you. My favorite was when you ate the jello. I have never seen you eat jello before and with your spoon deftly moving to keep up with the jello, it made me laugh!

The other children at the preschool know who you are because they know Grandpa as Pastor Dana. That is why they were all shouting my name, hugging me and wanting me to play with them. You didn’t mind this because you like to do those kinds of things with Grandpa, too. The children also would crowd around you and they hugged you or held your hand and called you, “Baby.” They treated you with tender care and wanted you to join them in their activity. I enjoyed watching you just take it all in.

We will share a Thanksgiving feast again this week with family. What a great time for you because of how much you like to eat…


Grandpa Diary #68


Dear Kaylee,

You have been busy learning lately. Your mommy says you understand about 25 words so far. I say just so you know “Grandpa,” which you pronounce “Bapa,” is the most important. I know not everyone is going to agree to that!

You can’t believe how much fun it is to be around you. Not only do you bring pure joy, but you also are hilarious in your actions. You grunt when you climb up onto the couch because you hear us grunt when we are doing something strenuous, like lifting you up. You have a creeping type of walk where you move up and down as well as forward like you are sneaking up on someone. Then there are the head nods which signify,

“That’s right. I’ll take a cracker. Uh, huh, I’ll take some water.”

My favorite has to be when you grab a book and say, “Book, book,” and then climb up in my lap and plop down to page through the book with the most studious look on your face.

Or sometimes you are spending lap time doing stuff like trying to eat a watermelon whole and realizing the skin doesn’t taste like the fruit inside…

Kaylee, the lap is always available.


Grandpa Diary #67


Dear Kaylee,

When you spend time with Grandpa, you learn to eat like Grandpa. With you this is not hard because you are an eating machine whose switch is always “on.”

We went to the park together for the first time. Swings and climbing and slides. By the way, when you are standing on the playground platform, and then you just jump off, you aren’t testing your angels are you? (Psalm 91:11). Don’t worry, Grandpa watches closely, and yes, I do always catch you…

After the park it is time for Israeli food. A little pita with hummus and some limonana. Since your daddy eats hummus all the time, this is our go-to snack. The limonana is new for you and of course I knew you would like it.A refreshing drink like a mint/lemonade slushy, without too much sweetness. Delicious!

Well, more playing at the park and gastronomical journeys ahead!
