Grandpa Diary #47


Dear Kaylee,

One of the funniest things that happens now is seeing where you end up when you are crawling and squirming, which is really exploring. For example, you always climb up Nana from the ground up, like she is some kind of tree, when she is sitting on the floor by you. Or when I am holding you on my lap, if I am wearing shorts, you start pulling my leg hairs!

I don’t know what it is that fascinates you with my leg hairs, but when I know I am going to see you, it is long pants time from now on! Wait until your hairiest leg uncle David comes back from school- then you can pull away…

The most hilarious thing, though, happened when you were exploring on your own in your crib. You were letting me know it was time to get you out of you crib after your morning nap, and I couldn’t believe what I saw…You had squirmed your leg out of one pajama leg and put both you legs side by side in the other pajama leg. I guess it made complete sense to you!

Well, can’t wait to see what you’re going to come up with next, Kaylee the Explorer…


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