Tag Archives: LA Zoo

Grandpa Diary #108


Dear Kaylee,


We had quite a Grandpa Day on Friday. First, we went to your preschool, Christ Lutheran in Santa Clarita. Grandpa is so happy you have such a great school! I met your teachers, your friends, and a whole bunch of animals. It was a special day because Wildlife Learning Center brought several furry and fun guests. You saw an alligator, hedgehog, porcupine, chinchilla, bunny, fox, servel cat, hissing cockroach, and a snake! Then they took out the surprise….a huge snake bigger than Grandpa is tall!


Sure enough, you were brave enough to pet the snake…Something my daughter, your mommy would never do! But, touching the big cockroach? No, thank you.


Then we left and were driving back down to our house when you said, “Grandpa, let’s go to the Zoo!”


The zoo it was. We had our usual full day at the zoo. Petting the goats, looking at the Halloween decorations and I had my usual, watching you go back and forth back and forth as you always do. Playing wherever you find yourself. Where do you get all that energy? I had my fitbit watch on and I put in over five miles in our excursions. But, you don’t just walk in a straight line. You have to take a hundred breaks walking around trees, tightroping on curbs, and splashing (it rained) in puddles all along the way.


Here is what we are going to do next time. I am going to put the fitbit around your ankle and then see how many miles you walk compared to me when we are traveling to the same places!





Grandpa Diary #103


Dear Kaylee,

Well, mommy is off for summer now, so Friday was our last Grandpa Day for awhile. We will still do stuff together, but not our normal routine.


Our last zoo trip was memorable because you decided to face two of your fears head on! You pet a snake and a skink! A skink looks like a lizard with two heads. The zoo volunteers were giving these hands-on experiences and you decided to take advantage of this without Grandpa spurring you on.


Then, since this was a special day,  you had your face painted with a tiger motif. To top it all off, Grandpa got stung in the thumb but a bee…


What a day!


