Grandpa Diary #52


Dear Kaylee,

Well, we shared our first Easter together! Grandpa told the story of Nana’s blankie that she gave to your mommy. Your mommy named the blankie, “Pink.” Then at children’s time at Easter worship, your mommy gave you “Pink”and now it is yours. Who knows, some day you and your husband may have a daughter and then you will get to hand “Pink” down. She will always be soft and warm…Just like Jesus holding you close and keeping you safe and calm and content.

Your mommy had one week off for Easter break. Wonderful for you to spend time with your mommy, but Grandpa and Nana needed their Kaylee hugs. Nana visited with you three days and Grandpa saw you two.

Now, Grandpa and Nana are on a jet flying to Israel. We are so excited to take a trip to the Holy Land for the first time and then on to Rome! Your mommy went to Rome with Nana after she graduated from high school.  We are so excited at all the things we are going to see and do. But, we’ll miss our Kaylee hugs:(

Fortunately, we can video chat and so will kiss you through the screen…


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